Count your blessings.
Count your blessings.
Stop being such an ingrate.
Stop being such a fool.
You have much to be thankful
in your life,
much that
you should appreciate.
Your healthy body, for one,
sheltering your shredded soul.
Your handsome
face as well,
drawing attention away
from your diseased mind.
A beautiful façade, all in all,
under which
much can be hidden,
much can be stored.
Oh, how wonderful it is
to be so
to be so alone,
carrying within you
so much mysteries,
so much unknowns,
even to yourself.
Even to yourself.
A smug smile should be drawn
on your face
all the
a holier-than-thou attitude
will suite rather well.
believe me, I can tell.
Oh, yes. I
can tell.
They will argue,
and argue.
But no one will ever
know the truth
about you.
No one.
And as far as I could tell,
this is your best protection
the odds.
Summer 1996