I Believe in Miracles

  Miracles do happen, you know?
  They happen each time I get to the end of the day,
                                                             while still alive and sane.
  They happen each time I open my eyes at the closing of the night,
                   and still find enough will-power within myself to get out of bed
                                                                             and go on with the rest of my life.
  They happen each time I have a full-night sleep uninterrupted by nightmares.
  They happen each time I breathe the foul air of modern existence,
                                                            and survive to take the next breath.
  They happen each time I still manage to daydream.

  Miracles do happen, you know?
  Just think about it the way I do,

         and you will soon get sick of them.

April 2, 1997