The Walls


I complain to no one,
                   to nothing
                                but the walls around me.
                                       The walls,
                                                      my only true companions,
                                                      my only real friends,
                                                      my protectors,
                                                      my shelterers,
                                                      my givers of warmth,
                                                      my everything,
                                                      my sole achievement.


I hold dear
                 my desolate life
                                       behind the walls,
                  and wallow
                                     in the wantonness
                                                               of my daydreams
                                     and my loneliness.
I embrace
                the dark
                             of constant remembrance,
                             and for get ful ness.
I worship
               the emptiness
                                          of my life.
And I worship Emptiness herself.
                          The Mother of us all.

This is the essence of life
                                     behind my walls.

June 1996